The art of innovation
1 Desire to make meaning as opposed to make money.
Make meaning - education can change people's life.
Navitas professional service provides many kinds of education, such as professional training, and English learning. But the tuition fee is not affordable for all people. The idea of making meaning instead of making money inspires me to advise Navitas to provide some free training courses to attract more customers.
2 Make a mantra. Don't make a mission statement.
Navitas - best education provider
3 Jump curves. Not to stay on the same stupid curves that you're on.
Do not limit Navitas to the field of education. Those who can not jump the curves because they define themselves in terms of what they do, but not the benefits they provide. We aim to make people more competitive in the workplace, and competitiveness means a lot. Not only education can make people competitive, so we can consider other things as well.
4 Roll the dicee.
Think about whether our product - Navitas services make our customers more creative and productive. Whether our product enhance them, and whether it changes the meaning of their lives.
5 Don't worry. Be happy.
We should ship things that are revolutionary, innovative, on the next curve, that have elements of crappiness to it. Do not wait utill it is perfect! In doing so, Navitas will bacome better and better in the future, I believe.
6 Let 100 flowers blossom.
Do not define the ways of using our product - let customers define them.
Some students come here for further study, some for working skills, some for gaining immigration scores.
7 Polarize people.
Do not be afraid of that. We should accept that people will be polarized.
8 Churn, baby churn.
Keep promoting all the time. Many people would like to say things like "Can't be done", "Should't be done", "Don't need to" and so on. Just ignore them and keep going. Keep changing!
9 Be valued and unique.
The success of a product is determined by its value and uniqueness. Therefore, we should try our best to make Navitas more valuable and unique.
10 Perfect your pitch.
The first step is to start with something that customized the audience. And the second thing is that we should use 10 20 30 rules in our presentation.
10 - optimal number of slides
20 - 20 minutes of presentation
30 - the size of font used in the slides